1) Advertising Appeal:
The most basic of human needs is the
need for food, clothing and shelter. Special need for these necessities cannot
be created with advertising. However there are certain other products that
provide comfort in life and advertising aims to generate demand for these
products. Advertising uses appeals as a way of persuading people to buy certain
products. Advertising appeals are designed in a way so as to create a positive
image of the individuals who use certain products. Advertising agencies and
companies use different types of advertising appeals to influences the
purchasing decisions of people.
The most important types of
advertising appeals include emotional and rational appeals. Emotional appeals
are often effective for the youth while rational appeals works well for
products directed towards the older generation. Here are just some of the
various different kinds of advertising appeals seen in the media today.
2) Fear Appeal
Fear is also an important factor that
can have incredible influence on individuals. Fear is often used to good effect
in advertising and marketing camaigns of beauty and health products including
insurance. Advertising experts indicate that using moderate levels of fear in
advertising can prove to be effective.
3) Rational Appeal
Rational appeals as the name suggests
aims to focus on the individual's functional, utilitarian or practical needs
for particular products and services. Such appeals emphasize the characteristic
and features of the product and the service and how it would be beneficial to
own or use the particular brand. Print media is particular well suited for
rational appeals and is often used with good success. It is also suited for
business advertisers and for products that are complex and that need high
degree of attention and involvement.
4) Romance Appeal
These advertisement display the attraction
between the sexes. The appeal is used is to signify that buying certain product
will have a positive impact on the opposite sex and improve your romance or
love life. Fragrances, automobiles and other products use these type of
advertising appeals. Romance Appeal: A man is shown using a particular cologne
after which women are attracted to him. A girl is shown using a particular skin
cream and then boys are shown flocking to her. This is romance appeal. It uses
the opposite sex. This advertising works especially well with teenagers as they
easily believe that using something will be attracted to them.
5) Emotional Appeal
An emotional appeal is related to an
individual's psychological and social needs for purchasing certain products and
services. Emotions affects all type of purchase decisions. Types of emotional
appeals are as follows:
Positive Emotional Appeal- Positive emotions
like- humour, love, care, pride, or joy are shown in advertisements to appeal
audience to buy that product. For example- Jonson and Jonson baby products.
Negative Emotional Appeal- This
includes fear, guilt, and shame to get people to do things they should or stop.
Fear- Fear is an emotional response
to a threat that expresses some sort of danger. Ads sometimes use fear appeals
to evoke this emotional response and arouse consumers to take steps to remove
the threat. For example- Life Insurance
Anxiety- Most people try to avoid
feeling anxious. To relieve anxiety, consumers might buy mouthwash, deodorant,
a safer car, get retirement pension plan.
Humour- humour causes consumer to
watch advertisement, laugh on it, and most important is to remember advertisement
and also the product connected with humour. For example- Happydent, and Mentos.
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